Shri C.N.P.F Arts and D.N. Science College, Dabhoi was a dream of Members of Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal, Dabhoi. Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal is a charitable trust established in the year 1957.
The Trust had started the Institute with Arts faculty in 1958 and added Science Faculty in 1962.
The Current Members of Trusties and Executive Council are as Follows:

Shri Sashikantbhai H. Patel
Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal

Shri Dilipbhai N. Patel
Vice – President
Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal

Shri Thakorbhai K. Patel
Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal

Shri Mukeshbhai Vasaiwala
Jt. Secretary
Vadodara Jilla Kelavani Mandal